

A wild flower with berries that I picked
in the French campsite in 2006. 
Apart from the fact that life has been quite swell, nothing much going on at work, enjoying my weekends with people I love and care and be contented from the heart; I had just received the most devastating news that a very special someone in my life had passed away in May and it is just on Monday that I have heard about it. I once had imagined getting her a ticket to my wedding one day, and all of this, is too late.

Looking at my plate of couscous during lunch today, I remember the first bite of couscous that I had while I was in France. It was served in a Moroccan restaurant where more than six bottles of wine were consumed during a three-plus-hour lunch at the small town of Montalivet in southern France. She was the one who introduced me to a table of French, Moroccans, South Africans during the meal and it was her that made a part of who I am today.

She was the strongest women that I had ever met in my entire life and she gave me the once of a lifetime chance to spend two weeks with her in France. It was my twentieth summer, after working on a summer job for about a month and earning my fare, I departed for France just two weeks before my college applications were announced. And you know what, it was the best graduation present I have ever got.

Two weeks might be just a blink of the eye, but I will never forget each and every encounter that I had there. During the two weeks living in a tent among the country side near the Bordeaux chateaus and the southern French coastline, I learnt what courage was, how to be adventurous, how to be true to one’s heart and most important of all – carp diem.

Every morning we would wake up at around 5am to get ourselves prepared for the morning marketing, we frequently find ourselves waking up to the cold and misty dawn. A fresh cup of espresso brewed from a small gasoline stove and bread, butter and jam is taken out from the small fridge in our caravan, One of us would brew the hot and comforting coffee while the other takes out the bread. Within minutes, breakfast will be finished and we are set off to the village’s summer market. Arriving at the market, we would park at our usual space and set the stall. Then, we would stroll around the market saying hello to everyone we know. Sometimes we would get some herbal tea, or check out the market to see what we can get for lunch or just a snack. May it be a plate of fresh French oysters; a simple baguette or canneles, it was always something delicious and fulfilling that gave an additional splash of glitter to each summer day.

After the market closes at noon, we would spend our time enjoying ourselves. It would be a trip to the beach, lying in the hammock reading or taking a nap, driving to the chateaus for a slip of wine or to see the wreckages of the World War, each day I saw and felt something new.

Like most French women, she was practical, beautiful, independent, strong-minded and knows what she is doing. Above all, she was loved by those who knew her and stood up for those who she cared and needs helps. Around my mother’s age, she was the one that brought me to my first disco adventure, gave me my first joint, introduced me to French wines and gourmet, gave me the courage to travel by myself (like I practically biked for 20km on my own by the French country side without a light, helmet, nor a compass and was able to find her before the night creeps in) and gave me my first mini-plane ride which spiralled over the French coastline. She taught me not to be stingy with my hugs and kisses, that trying something new is just a process of life and there is no need to be afraid of anything as long as you know what you are doing. Be honest to yourself and other people is difficult, and it is something that not many people can accept, but it is what that makes you different from the commercial society.

Memories seems to be so close and it’s hard to believe that it was eight years ago. Flipping through my incomplete journals entries and looking at the old pictures of the trip, I cannot suppress my tears or the sadness in my heart.  I will continue to have the best of her deep down in my heart. May she rest in peace.

 Adieu my friend.






人生就如紅酒人樣,必須要經過歲月的發酵才能令它完滿、充滿味道。跟上一代不同,現今的年輕人大約2223歲才大學畢業,如果說女人的一生在27之後就開始倒退,那麼現今女性只有四、五年時候去享受人生、去做自己想做的事情、拓展事業和找一個男人一起建立家庭。 本人畢業了快五年,這五年的光景裡,我投身社會,我體會到大都會的繁華盛世、享受美酒佳餚、人情冷暖、社會變遷、人生百態,我培養了我的興趣、學會了學校以外的知識和建立社交圈子、個人專長和技能。五年裡,我吸收了很多,但所有東西都只是皮毛、對很多事情都只是一知半解,還未夠專業、入世未算深。這一個時候,正就是將自己變得更美好、更成熟、更自信之時。因為現在我開始了解這世界是怎樣運作,我了解自己的性情、喜惡,我明白到自己的權利與責任,我有能力去享受生活。我對這一個世界仍然很好奇、對理想還有期望、對生活仍然熱情、對未來還有抱負。27歲,並不是太差吧?

也許27是一個適婚年齡,但結了、不結又如何,如何定輸贏? 像男人一樣,現代女性其實對自己的未來、事業、愛情都很有憧憬。如果一些年過27的女性認為自己「輸」了,她們不是輸給了年齡、也不是輸給了男人,而是輸給了自卑、輸給了世俗的眼光。女校出身的我身邊不乏年過27的女性,結了婚、未婚、單身,她們都一樣的發光發亮。








 《時間的歌》專輯的tagline 是:





《吉他手》伴着我去追星,可是《After 17》又會叫我嘗試去長大。
《Self》、《就算全世界與我為敵》在我畢業那一年叫我相信自己、忠於自己,不甘示弱。 《旅行的意義》讓我有勇氣一個人去遊歷,一個人在飛機上哭也不怕。
《魚》常常提醒我,在生活中,每個人在某個程度上都覺得己在一個選擇的懸崖 ,有時身不由已、很痛苦,但你不是一個人。 







New Year for both the Western and Chinese calendar has ended and it’s time to payback some writing “debts” of the gastronomic experiences which I have acquired during the festive season. Well, actually, during Christmas to be more precise.

Amongst the busy schedules of shopping, sleeping and just getting some time off from work, I was able to get to meet up with some of my friends and colleagues, even if it meant sleeping a few hours less, for brunch.

The first one was Locofama which was hidden in an alley, Fuk Sau Lane, in Sai Wan. It was just past 1pm on Christmas Day and we originally planned to go to Soho and crash into any place that is opened for brunch (tea or whatever). But when we got there, a lot of restaurants told us that their last order was 2pm or they close around that time. So we gave up Soho and my friend suggested going to Sai Wan and seeing if we have any luck with Locofama.

Locofama, an organic diner which was opened in August 2013, was actually infamous for its poor quality of service, despite its wonderful reputation of serving wholesome and delicious organic food. It was around 2pm when we got there with just around 10 customers seated in the 30-seat diner. With rustic furnishings, an open kitchen and a sister organic mart next door, it was perfect for the sunny Christmas Day with its windows wide opened.

 Miracle Berry
My friend heard that Locofama was famous of its organic ingredients and coconut water, so we started our orders with  Miracle Berry (goji berries, red dates and coconut water) for me and an organic soymilk for her. As a coconut fan myself, I quite enjoy my drink. It was a refreshing combination and the coconut meat inside the drink was wonderful to nibble. Additionally, as a firm believer of the benefits of food from the Oriental perspective, the goji berries are perfect for the wiry eyes from hours of looking at electronic devices while the red dates can improve blood circulation, especially ladies with cold hands and feet like me. Meanwhile, for my friend's organic soymilk, it was just ordinary, glad we didn't have much expectations. Since we were pretty stuffed up from the Christmas feasts, we ordered something light to share.
Crab and truffle puff pastry
Oolong tea soba

First it was the Oolong tea soba with black sesame cream, wild mushrooms and basil ($88). The texture of the soba was quite alright, in which many places makes its too soggy nowadays. Sesame flavor filled the palate like any other sesame dressing, but I cannot taste any Oolong in it. Luckily, the mushrooms were very fresh and gave out its own unique aroma, or else it would become another salad-like-soba you get from a Western/fusion/Japanese deli.

Next in line was the puff pastry with crab vol-au-vent (black truffle cream and Atlantic crab; $108). The fillings were wonderful with the delightful truffle and crab flavours but unfortunately, the pastry was quite hard to chew. You can’t really the bite pastry into half  without forgoing your table manners. Additionally, the fillings were too watery. Some of the sauce would drip now the pastry when you bite it, probably they didn’t drain the fillings enough.   

Salmon poached egg
By the time now, my friend was stuffed; while I was very tempted to try its truffle salmon poached egg (Norwegian chilled smoked salmon, crouton, basil olive oil ; $28). And I am so glad I did! It was the best dish! The truffle scent was wondrous while the saltiness of the salmon gave a perfect balance to the perfectly poached egg. Dipping the egg with a toast was definitely a wonderful experience. In terms of its appearance, scent and flavours, its is surely my pick from Locofama.

The rumors about the service of Locofama, I think it can be true. My experience was on a public holiday in which it was half empty, and we still have trouble getting the attention from the staff. The intervals between our dishes was quite normal. Wonder what it would be like it when it has a full-house situation. Or perhaps it would be the best decision to avoid it completely. 
To wrap it all up, Locofama's food is just what I have in mind for an organic restaurant - flavours come from the quality of ingredient that it uses; and that did add a lot of points to their dishes. But from the good reviews it has gotten from the articles I've read on the internet, I thought it would be better. Maybe perhaps it is because most of them were written when the diner first opened up or during normal working days or something. And I must say, the quality of service wasn't that bad, at least the servers were quite friendly and helpful when I do get their attention. Last, but not least, I do appreciate the positive message they try to give to diners and publicizing the benefits of eating healthily and going organic.

Food: 3/5
Value: 3.5/5
Environment: 4/5
Service: 3/5

Address: 11 Fuk Sau Lane, 852 Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong 
Tel: 2547 7668

Next up, Sunday roast at St Betty……







寫著寫著,也快一千字了,原本這一篇文章是想寫一點對新一年的寄望,誰不知慰藉了連自己都不自覺的悲傷。 願馬年會帶來一番新的氣像,下次(希望是不久的將來)再寫我原本想寫的東西吧。


P.S.: 在youTube找阿桑的《葉子》來細味的時候才發現原來阿桑已經在2009年離世,享年34歲。真的很可惜,她的聲音帶一點點的滄桑,真的很特別。現送上我最愛的MV之中。希望大家會喜歡吧。



The few days between the Christmas and the New Year holidays are usually the period when most people feel a bit confused. First of all, unless you are taking a long holiday break, going to work one day and then off the next day and then going back to the office two days after, obviously makes you confused of the dates and which day of the week it is. Second, among all the booze, parties, recovery sleep and the cold wintery weather, sometimes you don’t know what you are doing, where you are and what time of the day it is. Third, and the most important of all, you get frustrated because you start to reflect on what you did during the past year, and how little you have achieved when there are so much stuff which you can accomplish if you haven’t got addicted to a certain TV series, game or whatever that gives you short-lived and instant pleasure.

 Well, for me it has been more absurd, as I was on shift at the work the majority of December and before I knew it, it was just a day before Christmas Eve, aka my dad’s birthday, and I just have one day to do all my Christmas errands, which does not include getting myself freshened up for the festive season. The lost and hurried December is simply an epitome of what was going on with me during the past year. If 2012 was year of changes with new challenges, 2013 is a year where the changes are settling in to give you panic attacks, obstacles and uncertainties of yourself; and that is that exact moment when you also start to laid foundations to whatever you are trying to build up.

 Being a person of words, sometimes I find myself speechless when I face the various incidents of events, especially dealing with difficult people that don’t understand you or have an ego ten times of themselves. Actions are yet stronger than words, as I mentioned in last year’s article, I didn’t have any clear resolutions for 2013, but I do have some goals in mind that I want to achieve. After 365 days, there are both success and failures; and luckily, little regrets. As the days pass by, I find the voice in my heart stronger and stronger and know that I do have the potentials do what I like and good at.

Life might not always turn out what you want to be, and there is always oppositions since no one on earth would have the exactly same thought as you. That just leads to one move – listen to your inner voice. There are no right or wrong in decisions, there are just those that make you happy or regret.

 2013 is a year in which I am blessed with those who truly care about me. Those who surrounds me with love to keep me going; to listen to me weep when I can’t control myself or the situations I am facing; and to bare with my horrific jokes or insane random ideas. Without these special people, I’m utterly lost; yet, they always know how to found me.

More on 2014 later. Hope you all will have a prosperous year ahead.