轉了工,時間多了,放在義工及家人的時間也多了。雖然改不掉貪睡的習慣,沒有太多時候跟他們上茶樓,但可常與他們看電視。很喜歡在爸媽前面撒嬌,好像我永遠都是他們長不大的女兒。很感激上天賜予我一個古靈精怪的個性,可以逗得他們開心。爸爸頭上的白髮多了、肚腩大了;媽媽皺紋多了,耳朵不靈光了。真的很想他們每一次看著我跟哥哥的時候會感到欣慰跟自豪吧。有空的時候就在媽媽的耳朵旁很細聲的說:『I love you』,然後問她:『你聽得到我說什麼嗎?』,她就說:『聽到,me too!』簡單的、低聲的,已經很窩心。哥哥會於2012年結婚了,由我的豬哥成為別人的老公,真的替他開心。不過我相信他仍是那一個會讓我搓臉、跟我打架、還有當我沒飯食的時間讓我當電燈膽的好哥哥(當你看到這一篇文章的時候,不要『沾沾』,也是因為我是一個好妹妹 =P)。2011年家庭觀重了些,開始為自己及家人打算了,是一個好轉變。
"Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure."
My reply would be:
“My heart is in the sky, where I can spread my wings and fly to see the first sun rise. To the end of the world to see the darkness, where the stars are at its brightest. To a land of mystery and solitude, where I am all alone to test my courage and faith. To the far end of my eyes to know what makes up my tears and fears. To the end of the rainbow where I can find the pot of gold and share the fortune of happiness. And to dreams that might not come true, yet just thinking of it has made it all worthwhile – Dreamers might not be realistic, yet only dreamers are the only ones who can dream and make them turn to reality.”