The few days between the Christmas and the New Year holidays are usually the period when most people feel a bit confused. First of all, unless you are taking a long holiday break, going to work one day and then off the next day and then going back to the office two days after, obviously makes you confused of the dates and which day of the week it is. Second, among all the booze, parties, recovery sleep and the cold wintery weather, sometimes you don’t know what you are doing, where you are and what time of the day it is. Third, and the most important of all, you get frustrated because you start to reflect on what you did during the past year, and how little you have achieved when there are so much stuff which you can accomplish if you haven’t got addicted to a certain TV series, game or whatever that gives you short-lived and instant pleasure.
Well, for me it has been more absurd, as I was on shift at the work the majority of December and before I knew it, it was just a day before Christmas Eve, aka my dad’s birthday, and I just have one day to do all my Christmas errands, which does not include getting myself freshened up for the festive season.
The lost and hurried December is simply an epitome of what was going on with me during the past year. If 2012 was year of changes with new challenges, 2013 is a year where the changes are settling in to give you panic attacks, obstacles and uncertainties of yourself; and that is that exact moment when you also start to laid foundations to whatever you are trying to build up.
Being a person of words, sometimes I find myself speechless when I face the various incidents of events, especially dealing with difficult people that don’t understand you or have an ego ten times of themselves. Actions are yet stronger than words, as I mentioned in last year’s article, I didn’t have any clear resolutions for 2013, but I do have some goals in mind that I want to achieve. After 365 days, there are both success and failures; and luckily, little regrets. As the days pass by, I find the voice in my heart stronger and stronger and know that I do have the potentials do what I like and good at.
Life might not always turn out what you want to be, and there is always oppositions since no one on earth would have the exactly same thought as you. That just leads to one move – listen to your inner voice. There are no right or wrong in decisions, there are just those that make you happy or regret.
2013 is a year in which I am blessed with those who truly care about me. Those who surrounds me with love to keep me going; to listen to me weep when I can’t control myself or the situations I am facing; and to bare with my horrific jokes or insane random ideas. Without these special people, I’m utterly lost; yet, they always know how to found me.
More on 2014 later. Hope you all will have a prosperous year ahead.